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Echo Chainsaw Chain Coming Loose? How To Fix It

Echo Chainsaw Chain Coming Loose? How To Fix It

If you own an Echo chainsaw, you may have noticed that the chain may come loose without you noticing. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re in the middle of a project. So why does this happen, and what can you do to prevent it?

Your Echo chainsaw chain is loose because of an improperly set tension chain. This problem could also result from worn-out guide bars or fluctuations in temperature. To fix this problem, you can adjust the tension on the chain, check the guide bar for wear, or replace the chain.

In this article, I’ll discuss several reasons your Echo chainsaw chain may come loose. I’ll also provide tips on keeping your chain tight and preventing the problem in the first place.

Why Your Echo Chainsaw Chain Is Coming Loose

If you’ve ever had your Echo chainsaw chain come loose, you know how frustrating this can be.

The best way to avoid this problem is to moderate the chain’s tension and ensure it’s where it should be. However, even if you do this, the chain may still loosen. So, ‘where’s the problem?’ you may wonder.

Here are some fixes to get your Echo chainsaw chain back to normal:

1. Adjust the Chain Tension

One possible reason the chain is coming loose is that the chain is not properly tensioned. You’ll need to tighten it frequently to avoid problems.

A loose chain can slip off the saw blade easily, which can cause serious injury. Mother Earth News recommends carrying along your first aid kit, among other things, to manage situations of injury (source).

One way to fix a loose chain is to check the chain tension before each use and adjust it as needed. To adjust the tension, you can use this XHBAN Chain Bar Tensioner Adjuster (link to Amazon). This one is relatively inexpensive and straightforward to use.

A tensioner adjuster can help keep the chain tight on the sprockets and prevents them from coming loose.

This YouTube video demonstrates how you can adjust the chain tension of an Echo Chainsaw:

ECHO Pro-Tip: How to Adjust Chain Tension on a Chainsaw

You also can check the chain to see if it’s properly aligned with the guide bar. If it’s not, adjust it so that it’s aligned.

2. Keep the Chain Clean and Sharp

Besides the chain tension, the chain itself could be the problem. The chain can develop several mechanical faults over time, such as expanding, wear and tear, and damage from debris. These faults can cause the chain to come loose or break.

You may get quite busy with your chainsaw and postpone cleaning it. However, dust and debris can build over time on the guide bar and the chain, causing the chain to come off. This is because the chain is less able to grip the guide bar and is more likely to slip. Ultimately, this is dangerous, so keeping it clean is essential. A loose chain can fly off and hit the user or someone nearby, so it’s important not to skip this step.

To prevent this, keep your chain clean, lubricated, and sharp. A maintained chain is less likely to slip or dull quickly.

3. Repair Possible Damages on the Guide Bar

The chainsaw guide bar is a metal bar that attaches to the chainsaw and helps guide the chain as it cuts. The guide bar ensures the chain cuts straight and doesn’t veer off to the side. It also helps protect the chainsaw operator from the chain if it breaks or becomes damaged.

Damage to the guide bar can cause the chainsaw chain to loosen.

Most guide bar damages are relatively easy to fix. Depending on the severity of the damage, here are a few different repair options:

  • Check to see if the bar is bent in any way. If it’s bent, you may be able to straighten it out with a hammer or other tool.
  • Check the guide bar for any damage. If you find any, you may be able to repair it with the appropriate tool. However, if the damage is more severe, you may need to replace the bar.
  • Use a file or sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges on the bar for minor damage. Then apply a fresh coat of paint or sealant.

4. Assess Temperature Before Using the Chainsaw

Knowing how temperature fluctuations affect the chain’s performance is equally important.

The chain is metal, and metals are susceptible to extreme temperature fluctuations (source). This means the chain can become very hot or cold, depending on the temperature outside.

If it gets too hot, the chain will expand and become loose, and it will be difficult to control. On the other hand, if it gets too cold, the chain will contract and become tight, and over time, it may become brittle and break.

Either way, it’s best to assess the local temperature before using your Echo chainsaw.

5. Fix Possible Mechanical Faults With Your Echo Chainsaw

In most cases, it’s advised not to rule out the possibility of other mechanical faults with your chainsaw. Woodland mentions common chainsaw issues, including oil problems (source).

In addition, the sprocket could be worn out, or it may not be installed correctly. Another common fault is that the guide bar nuts aren’t tight enough.

These faults can all cause the chain to come loose.

6. Replace the Chain

If you realize the chain is worn out and beyond repair, it might be time to try a new one.

To replace the chain, follow these simple steps:

  1. First, ensure the saw is turned off and the chain is cool.
  2. Then, use a wrench to loosen the nuts and remove the chain bar.
  3. Next, remove the old chain and replace it with a new one.
  4. Make sure the teeth on the chain are facing the front end of the chain bar on the top.
  5. Finally, tighten the bar nuts and test the saw to see if it’s working efficiently.

Check this YouTube video if you need a more detailed demonstration of changing the Echo Chainsaw chain:

Echo Chainsaw Cutting Chain Replacement #91PX52CQ

7. Be Careful When Using the Chainsaw

Avoid putting too much pressure on the chain. Additionally, avoid operating the chain on unrecommended materials or surfaces.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to prevent the chain from coming loose. You can keep your chainsaw in good working condition with a little care.

8. Take Your Chainsaw to a Professional

You may have tried the above solutions without success. If so, it’s best to consult a professional. A professional will be able to fix the problem quickly and safely.

Likewise, you can contact the Echo support team. They’ll help you to diagnose further and repair your chainsaw.


Operating your Echo chainsaw shouldn’t be a nightmare. This is why it’s important to learn what you can do to troubleshoot the problem of the chain coming loose. For instance, you can:

  • Ensure the chain is properly tensioned. 
  • Ensure the guide bar isn’t dirty and is free of any faults. 
  • Check the chain for wear and tear. Repair and replace the chain if necessary.

By taking these measures, among others mentioned in this article, you can fix the problem and keep your chainsaw running smoothly.

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